Cannot get rid of that pesky [UNREGISTERED]

I’ve just installed Rainlendar Pro (oiriginally purchased 09/05/2016) on my new Windows 10 PC, but I cannot get Rainlendar the remove the [UNREGISTERED} entry attached to each item.

I have followed the instructions regarding the License file in the registration letter I received, downloading “license.r2lic” nd dragging it onto the Rainlendar application. I get the message “The installationwas successful” message but when I refresh Rainlendar the [UNREGISTERED] notices remain.

EDIT:Kimmo emailed me the fix, for which I am grateful!

I need this fix as well.

Enter your USER name foloder in system disc (usually it’s Disc C, route as C:\Users\your user name), into it you will a folder “.rainlendar2”, delete the file “lic”, restart Rainlender. And you will find it figured out :slight_smile: