Event is easy to miss

Events do appear in the Rainlendar date box, but it is easy to miss. Is it possible to have it blink or some other action to attract attention? Thanks.

You can add an alarm to an event if you want to get notified for it. Is this what you are looking for?

It sounds like it. I sort of looked for some way with reference to alarms but not sure how to do it. Can you give me directions? My version is 2.17.1 Greatly appreciate your attention.

Just click the alarm button in the editor to add a new alarm.

Geez, once you pointed the alarm out, it was obvious to me. Thanks. Another two question concerning alarms, is there a way to may every Event alarm without having to do each? Secondly, when I snooze the alarm notice, it comes back within a minute or two. Any way to make it an hour or two or more? Thanks again. Much appreciated.

Here are some of the customizing options

I didn’t try them all. I think you still have to at least click the little clock to put an alarm on a new event, but you can set the default snooze time etc.