Hide the "Today" window permanently (checkable/uncheckable Visibilty menu item)

Is there a way to toggle (check/uncheck) the visibility of the “Today” window permanently? Right now, if there is something scheduled for today, the “Today” window will be displayed but I can toggle the visibility of the window by the following:

Right-click system tray icon > Windows > Today > Visible

I would like to be able to permanently set the visibility of that “Today” window just as I can with the Calendar, Event List, and ToDo List windows. E.g.:

Right-click system tray icon > Windows > Calendar > Visible (Alt-1).
Right-click system tray icon > Windows > Event List > Visible (Alt-2)
Right-click system tray icon > Windows > ToDo List > Visible (Alt-3)

For my use-case, I just prefer to see the Calendar and Event List. On the day of a scheduled event, I still get to see it on the Event List (which I prefer) but it also pops up that “Today” window which nicely displays a summery of today’s events but I would prefer not to see it at all.

Is there a setting somewhere that I’m not seeing where I can permanently keep that “Today” window hidden or is it a bug that you cannot permanently toggle the visibility? If it’s the latter, can you possibly address it in a future release or give users the option to always keep that window hidden if they choose to.


Version: Rainlendar Pro 2.20.1 on both Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit.

A work around may be to go to SKINS in options and remove the today window from the right hand pane. Click on it and click the left arrow between the panes.

I just tried RL_forum_Matt’s tip for my To Do list and worked perfectly, just reverse the procedure to return the list, if you need it later too. :+1: :+1:

Try open Options and disable Show today’s event on the General tab.

Sorry, i can see it’s the wrong window.

Forget it :slight_smile: