Just added an Office 365 Calendar. Recurring Events Are Not Displaying

Am running 2.19.2 on Windows 11 and connecting to Office 365. I had been using Google Calendar and have disabled those calendars. When I look in the Manager Original or Current list the recurring events don’t show there either. I am only using “Events.”

Try increasing the number of downloaded events. You can find it from the calendar’s settings. By default only 50 latest events are downloaded because Microsoft doesn’t allow downloading of the whole calendar like Google does.

Thank you! That seemed to do the trick. I bumped it up to 200 and the recurring events are now showing.

@Rainy spoke too soon… even when bumping up to 1,000 events not all recurring events are showing… What can I provide you with to help debug?

Are you able to reproduce the issue with an empty calendar? I.e. create a new calendar, try to add few test events to it which Rainlendar doesn’t show.

If you manage to do this please run Rainlendar in the debug mode and send the debug log to me when you reproduce the problem? You can find instructions where to find the debug log from here: Rainlendar

Please also send the details about the missing events.

I’m giving up on Office 365. I sync my Outlook calendar with Google via CalendarBridge, so I will just go back to Google calendar integration to Rainlendar.