Looking for version < 2.18.x Rainlendar2-lite for linux to download

Hi. I’ve been using Rainlendar2-lite since winXP-days and after changing to ubuntu linux. Still using ubuntu bionic for ‘reasons’, but rainlendar2-lite >2.17.x versions will install without problems, but will not start because ubuntu bionic beaver is missing GLIBC_2.28 and GLIBC_2.29, both not available on my version of ubuntu without a system upgrade to the current LTE versions. This is not a viable option for me at the moment. If there is a way to update the libs on bionic, please let me know, but do refrain from system upgrade-suggestions, because, as stated previously, not an option momentarily. Otherwise it would be really helpful if there were a way to download an older version (< 2.18.x) of the program for linux (preferrably .deb file), because I cannot seem to find older file versions anywhere.
another poster on this forum asked a similar question, which was answered by provided download link ( https://www.rainlendar.net/download/2.17.1 and (http://www.rainlendar.net/download/) both which returned nginx-message “403 Forbidden”. My question would be where to find any rainlendar2-lite .deb files that will work on ubuntu bionic (I’m using Mate as desktop environment, maybe that info could be helpful in finding a solution of the above stated problem?) I have found this post " [[SOLVED] Probleme mit Version 2.19.1]" which seemed to have had the same problem, but I have a different system/configuration and cannot update to those versions without a complete system upgrade, which I cannot do momentarily, so an older version of rainlendar2 is the only solution that seems feasible at this time.

Browsing the download folder is not anymore allowed so you need to use the full download url to get the content. Here’s the link to the deb file for 2.17.1:


Hi Rainy,
Download worked install did also, and I cannot begin to thank you enough for your reply in sending me that link. What I found really interesting though, but in the best way it could be understood, is that after that flawless install, my settings and even the calender files were back without me even having to import my saved backup. Just great! I had no idea how much I really need that calendar! I hope very much that I may be able to return this help in kind some day.
With my best greetings, R_H :sunny: :smile:

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