Make \"Private\" checkbox presettable

I have my calender in ICS format synced via FTP and accessible (read only) via HTTP so my wife can see my appointments on her Google calendar and also on her Echo show.

They used to show “unspecified event” for all appointments or something similar until I found out this happens only when the checkbox “private” was checked while I created the corresponding calendar entry in Rainlendar (sounds reasonable).

If I uncheck “private” before saving, it shows up correctly. I tend to forget to uncheck the “private” checkbox fairly often and it would be really helpful to have a preference in the settings for “default checked” or “default unchecked”.

Maybe the setting exists somewhere but I couldn’t find it (using 2.16.1 Pro)


You can create a template for the event editor with the private checkbox unset. If you set it as the default template for new events it will be automatically used when you create new events.

You can find more information about the event templates from the Rainlendar’s help.