Missing time-field when create an event

I’ve been using Rainlender2 for a long time, but after updating it today, when I tried to enter an event from my computer for the first time in a while, the tab where I could set the time was completely white. (Of course, there is no all-day check)
I tried uninstalling it, reinstalling it, changing the skin, and deleting the settings in the user data, but nothing changed and I’m having trouble.
What exactly did I touch?
What settings should I make to get the time?

p.s.I use Japanese Language settings thx :slight_smile:

Verify that Options->Advanced->Time Format field has some value or is completely empty (no white spaces or anything).

Thanks Rainy!!
When I checked the settings, I found that if I selected one of the time notation settings, a time field appeared. Initially it was set to “default”, but when I tried setting it to “default” again, it became a blank field. What was “default”…Anyway thank you so much!