Opens all windows on wrong monitor at non-existant location

Bug report:

When Rainlendar creates a new Window - i.e., options menu, event editor, skin settings customise window - the window will open on a different monitor than the main monitor, and in a non-existant location (for a while I thought the customise skin window didn’t exist ha ha)

For example, when right clicking on an event and selecting Edit event on my 1st monitor, the Edit Event Window will open on my 3rd monitor, at something like 0, -1000 (relative coordinates)

I believe the problem has to do with the way my desktop is set up and the way Windows 10 uses desktop coordinates - I have some unusable space around my 2nd and 3rd monitors. Windows, however, reports this space as a set of valid coordinates that exists where my monitor does not

Rainlendar is the only program I’ve used where this has come up as an issue, but I do have a bit of an unusual desktop layout :slight_smile:

There’s a workarounds -
WindowsKey + up resizes the window to a place where it can be manipulated or
I used a tool that manipulate window coordinates directly

The actual fix:
It would be nice, however, if windows spawned by RainLendar’s main window spawned them at the same coordinate and on the same monitor as Rainlendar’s main window and on the same monitor and;

if editor windows spawned at either the same location as the calendar from which they were spawned, or at the location of the last window (I believe it already does the second behaviour because once I manually moved the editor window, new ones were in the same location)

Or all windows could spawn on the mouse cursor

This bug makes Rainlendar unusable to someone who doesn’t realise what the problem is

edit: forgot-
Version Pro 2.20.0
Windows 10 current updates

Thank you for the great program

The dialogs are opened to the same place where they were closed. If the monitor layout changes Rainlendar should notice this and move the window into the nearest screen (if Options->Advanced->“Keep on screen” is enabled). If the windows keep opening outside the monitors you can try to enable/disable the “Keep on screen” setting and see if that helps with the issue.

You can also reset all window locations by deleting the windows.ini file in Rainlendar’s data folder (Rainlendar).

This was the first time the program was run on this PC - the dialogs opened into a place that wasn’t actual screen real estate and had to be manually repositioned

Like I said though, it’s probably a pretty niche problem because of the way that my screens are set up. I’ve fixed it for myself by manually moving