slowing down the system windows 10

hello. Rainlendar lite is gradually slowing down the system on windows 10 pro. if I restart Rainlendar lite, the system on computer speed is fully restored. please tell me how to fix it?

Is the calendar using your CPU or does it eat all the memory?

system resources are not loaded at all

this is probably the same issue that was reported in this thread a few years ago:

Rainlendar 2 is extremely slow and lags - #37 by gwa999

i believe it is related to the high number of I/Os that Rainlendar does because of the ‘libicalss’ library that Rainy uses (based on what he said in that thread).

Rainy separated the UI from the I/O writing in separate threads if i recall however that did not fully solve the issue.

what i have noticed is what you are experiencing, that over time Rainlendar gets sluggish. i notice this primarily with using “Completed” on a task although presumably it also happens with any task editing.

if i exit from Rainlendar everything is speedy once again but eventually over time it starts to slow down.

if you are familiar with Task Manager or Process Explorer look at Ranlendar’s CPU utilization and I/O reads if you do a Refresh when the program is being sluggish.

if i exit and restart Rainlendar i still see a high CPU utilization and I/O’s when doing a Refresh yet it does not appear sluggish as far as redisplaying the UI.

yet over time it will. :cry:

Updating the calendar file is done in a separate thread so it should not slow down the application. But if you e.g. keep the calendar file on a network drive which doesn’t do proper buffering and the file is very large it can cause issues. Also if there are any I/O related issues they should not be constant but only happen when the calendar is edited since Rainlendar does not read or write the file unless the user does something (except if the “Monitor changes” is enabled and something is constantly updating the calendar file).