Where is all the data stored?

Where is all the data stored?

Unfortunately, what is written in the help is not correct:

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[yourname]\.rainlendar2
Windows Vista & 7 & 8 & 10: C:\Users\[yourname]\.rainlendar2\
Linux: ~/.rainlendar2 or ~/.config/.rainlendar2
Mac OS X: ~/.rainlendar2

For Windows 10 its under:

For Windows 10 its under:
C:\Users\[your name]\.rainlendar2

No, its not. At least on my Windows 10 Professional its under:
C:\Users\[your name]\.rainlendar2
see attached picture

Another problem is that under macOS, those file are not at the place where they should be. I will figure it out tomorrow where they are, but they are definitely not under ~/.rainlendar2 on the mac in my office :wink:


I think that’s what I said…

I made a mistake in post #27488.
As you can see in the picture, the path is:
C:\Users\[your name]\.config\.rainlendar2
and this is different from that what you posted:
C:\Users\[your name]\.rainlendar2